Thursday, March 27, 2008

Trust + CarE = LoVE

When we talk about love, do we really understand with the meaning of it? We always say the 4 words (L O V E) to someone that really special in our life. For those who are trust in love, I really appreciate if you can give your point of view. This is only my point view.

In a relationship, the most important is trust. Waw.. very subjective rite! We can’t ask people to trust or demand for it because it depends on how we carry our self in this reality of life. Pretending or acting like someone actually not the best way to make others people happy and love you.. be your self. You can make others people happy by acting and not behave as who we are.. but.. end of the day, we still a big liar to our self. We have to trust everyone in our life coz from there we can build transparent relationship.


Care.. do we care our self more then we care other’s people in our life? Some people will code and define it differently from others. For me, care to each other only can develop after we know and trust each other. I am a simple person, I will care anyone in my life as how I’m taking care of my self… meaning.. if I know things that will make me sad, why should I do that to them… but it still depending to the situation.

What I would like to make a conclusion, love only can be shown after the combination of trust and care blended together. Huhu.. put it this way, when we know each other very well, do we care them.. but when we love them, we will automatically care and trust them.. when we lost our trust to some one, it mean that we start not caring to that person and love will slowly deplete.


Kepercayaan merupakan satu amanat yang perlu kita pikul dengan cermat. Sekali kita pecah amanah bermaksud kita telah membuatkan orang hilang kepercayaan kepada kita. Maka timbul lah kesangsian.. keraguan.. kewibawaan malah seribu persoalan kan bermain di kotak fikiran kita.

Cinta hanya akan terungkap setelah.. kepercayaan berganding dengan keprihatinan maka… lahir lah cinta. Usah pertikaikan kemurnian cinta seseorang itu, ini kerana kita hanya insan yang kerdil dan tidak dapat memahami seseorang kerana kita bukan penciptanya.


supergurl lilo said...

there's ups n down in relationship wheel k..sabar byk2..u deserve sumone better!!remember tht

Irwan said...

Defining love is very subjective and wide meaning... I do agree that Trust and Care are important elements to build strong relationship.. U might have to enrich the entry coz I can see there's lot of thing u wanna share here..